Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Break Up Letter to the Republican Party.

Dear GOP,

We haven't seen eye to eye for a while, we both know that. So this couldn't have come as much of a surprise. We've both changed, I won't deny that, and I may have strayed the last couple of elections, but don't try to say you haven't changed either. You led some of the initial strikes for equal rights and you use to speak so fondly of small government but the last few times you got the big seat you cause the government to bloat up and debts to rise unlike anyone else has been able to do, let's not even mention the almost total ruination on the economy that Junior left us with, and just how far you have come from being a party about personal freedom to being big brother.

So listen, there are a few things you need to work on if you want me to give you another chance.

1.    Intelligence is not evil, it is not elitist, and it is not bad in any way shape or form. Intelligence and education (another of your pet peeves) are things that should be encouraged and lauded. It may be sweat of the brow and (insert Palinism here) that built this country, but it was the educated and intelligent that founded it, designed it, and will lead it into the future. Elite does not mean elitist.
And while we are on the subject can we discuss science. Encouraging and promoting science is what made this country a super power in the first place, but now science is tossed aside and treated like a dirty and evil thing that should not be thought about, only left to rot. Scientific advancement is what lifted America to the highest echelons and it is what could keep us there but without it we are doomed to fall behind and be left a beleaguered nation clinging to its industrial base instead of soaring forward with the rest of the post-industrial world. Oh and on a side note: intelligent design is not science it is religion please accept that and let your kids learn real science. This brings us to.

2.    Religion and Government do not mix. There is a reason it is right there in the first amendment, the founders of this great country knew this back in 1787 when they wrote it, how could you not understand it today? Oh that’s right you sold your soul to the “Religious Right” back in the 80’s a bigger group of hypocrites the world has never seen. And while we are on the subject of force fed religion, can we please go back to our pre-cold war and motto. "E Pluribus Unum" was just so much more fitting for our great nation.  As for the pledge, when the guy who wrote the original pledge was a preacher and he didn't think it fitting to include the mention of God, but a General turned President who saw it as a way to push the cold war into a almost holy war against those "Godless Commies" did that should make you think. Both the motto and the pledge were changed in the mid-50's. That is almost no time in the grand scheme of things, even the history of our young country, so it is not like it has had time to become some grand and hallowed tradition passed through the annals of time.
Also look, I know history is not your strong suit so can you just finally accept that this was not founded a Christian nation. The treaty of Tripoli comes right out and says it in just as many words. Many of our founding fathers were deists and atheist, some of whom even went on to be president. So yes while we have a strong Christian tradition in this country we were not founded a Christian nation. Remember religion should be a personal matter, keep it that way.

3.    The rich can pay taxes too. Look don't try to defend it, it won't work. And look I am not looking to put the entire burden on them either, but let's look for something a bit fairer shall we. I hear good things about these flat taxes. So let’s have everyone share the burden equally because let’s face it trickle down doesn’t work. It is hard for me to admit too, I was a long time supporter.

4.    Sometimes the poor need help. Now I know this offends your rugged individualism but look, you need to have bootstraps before you can pull yourself up by them. I agree that the current welfare system needs a major overhaul but your approach of trying to do away with it all leaves the children and elderly without anything. Is that really how your Momma raised you?

5.    Universal Healthcare.I know we have a system that is going to go in place in a couple of years but you guys gutted that so horribly that it should barely count as universal healthcare and is more of a boost for insurance companies. I am sure they didn’t have anything to say in the making of that law did they? Face it we are the ONLY industrialized nation without some form of universal healthcare, what should that tell you? If you answered that the rest of the world are a bunch of godless Commies then you need to step out of the cold war first and then realize that there is a pretty good reason. It is called the basic welfare of the citizens.  If you need a purely capitalist approach look at it this way, a healthier workforce is a more productive workforce. Let's try it this way. Do you want your mother having to decide whether she is going to buy her heart medication or be able to buy food this week, didn't think so and guess what no one else does either. Look your Pin-up boy Romney even implemented a system of universal healthcare back when he was governor so I know you could find a way to do it everywhere.
6.    What does someone's private life matter to you? Look as long all involved parties are consenting adults what does it matter how they live their lives. "But won't somebody please thank of the children!" yes heaven forbid poor Timmy and Tammy see two people that love each other out in public. Next thing you know they might actually be comfortable enough with themselves and think that it is OK to be who they are and not who their parents or some other institution tells them they should be. Honestly I don't think the government should have any part in marriage, leave that to the churches and let them set their own rules. Look if you see some reason the government should be involved make it a partnership or corporation or some business like thing that you love so much, just leave it open to everyone. Don't try to have the government do your discriminating for you.

7.    Women. Look I am not sure why but a lot of GOPers seem stuck in the all women should be 50's housewives mode. Get over that. They are equal to, if not better than you. So stop trying to control what they can and cannot decide to do on their own and with their own bodies.
Oh and it is very nice of you to try putting forward some female candidates but please isn't there one well educated female who can speak eloquently in the entire party. The people you have been putting up are an embarrassment to women everywhere.
8.    Finally, let's talk about your friends. It's nice of them to always be ready with a cup of tea but I think that maybe more than one of them may have a white hood in their closet if you catch my drift.  It just caught me as odd that this whole big movement popped up suddenly all angry about what the government had been doing as soon as a black man became president when anyone with eyes could see that most of the stuff they were protesting came had been in place a long time before Obama came into office but those things didn't seem to bother them that much before. Now don't get me wrong I am not saying all of them are racist or that all of their points are ridiculous, just most of them. There were a lot of fed up people before the Obama administration in the Libertarian party who seem very reasonable. The Libertarian party does embrace a lot of ideas that you used to have and I admit to flirting with it for awhile. But their major candidates always seemed to just be Republican wash-outs still looking for a way to run but not embracing any of the Libertarian ideas.

Look I have some fond memories of our times together, especially in those early days. Remember when I sent my allowance in to Reagan's reelection campaign for the 84 election. Or those times trying to stump to family and friends in the primaries for Dole in the 88 election. But that really was the start of it wasn't it, it was always about you and what you could get from me. You never cared about me or any other citizen, unless they were the head of some corporation that were lining your pockets. I may have only sent a few dollars to the campaign for 84 but I was only 6 years old what more did you want from me. How many more had that dedication at that point in their lives. I should have just bought a G.I. Joe. Now I am embarrassed to say I ever spent time with you. Please take the time and really look at yourself and what you have become, I don't think you will like it, I know I don't. If you ever decide to try and return to you true foundations look me up, until then this is goodbye.


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